본문 바로가기

카테고리 없음

[jQuery] jQuery 정리


1. Selectors / 2. Events / 3. Hide, Show / 4. Fade / 5. Slide / 6. Animate / 7. Stop / 8. Get / 9. Set

10. Add / Remove

11. CSS / 12. Dimensions / 13. Traversing




1. Selectors

//Use the correct selector to hide all <p> elements.






//all elements in the document.


//all elements with an href attribute.


//all odd table rows in a table.






2. Events

// all <p> elements with a "click"




// all <p> elements with a "double click"




//When the mouse pointer enters a <p> element




//press a keyboard key inside an <input> element




//attach a click event handler to all <p> elements

$("p").on("click", function(){



//change background-color when mouseenter / mouseleave / mouseclick

  mouseenter: function(){
    $(this).css("background-color", "lightgray");
  mouseleave: function(){
    $(this).css("background-color", "lightblue");
  click: function(){
    $(this).css("background-color", "yellow");




3. Hide, Show

hide / show / toggle / 


4. Fade

fadeOut / fadeTo / fadeToggle

ex) $("div").fadeTo("slow", 0.2 ); //method to fade a <div> element to an opacity of "0.2".

ex) $("button").click(function(){


}); //method to toggle between fading in and out a <div> element, when clicking on a button. duration :  1000 milliseconds.




5. Slide

slideUp / slideDown / slideToggle 



6. Animate


- left, opacity, height, width, fontSize

ex) $("div").animate({opacity : '0.4', height: '500px', width: '500px', fontSize: '100px'}, "slow");

ex) $("div").animate({left: '250px'}); // move a <div> element 250 pixels to the right





7. Stop





8. Get

 text / html/ val / attr




9. Set

 text / html/ val / attr

$("div").text("Hello World");

ex) $("a").attr("href");

ex) $("div").text("Hello World"); //change the text of a <div> element to "Hello World".

ex) $("img").attr("src", "myimage.jpg"); // change the value of an image's src attribute to "myimage.jpg".



10. Add / Remove

append / prepend

empty(only remove the child elements) / remove



11. CSS Classes / CSS

addClass / removeClass / toggleClass


ex) $("p").css("border", "5px dotted red");

ex) $("p").css({"border": "5px dotted red", "color": "white"});



12. Dimensions

height/ width / innerHeight / outerHeight (padding, border and margin 포함 시 outerHeight(true)로 true값 주면 된다.) /

ex) $("div").height(500).width(500);

ex) $("div").height() //get the height of div element





13. Traversing

 parent / parents / children / find / siblings / first

ex) $("div").find("span"); //get all <span> elements that are descendants of <div>


